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According to the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), pedestrian deaths in Chicago have been on the rise over the last five years.   This recent surge has been linked to more vehicles on the road with the rise of Uber, Lyft and other transportation services, along with the continual use of smartphones while driving.

The findings from CDOT are supplemented by research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which conducted a yearlong study of Chicago pedestrian accidents and came up with significant findings.  Nearly 33% of all accidents involved a transportation service vehicle, which includes taxis, ride-share vehicles, and Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) buses.    The study also found that pedestrian crashes most often occur between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. as a result of rush hour traffic that includes vehicles and pedestrians, most of these occurring in downtown business district known as the Loop.  Of no great surprise was the data demonstrating that approximately 75% of all pedestrian-involved crashes occurred in or near intersections.  Most of the pedestrian-involved crashes were at intersections where traffic signals should have prevented the accidents.  Unfortunately, the NHTSA data also demonstrated that 1 in every 3 pedestrian accidents ended with the vehicle fleeing the scene of the accident.

Being involved in a pedestrian accident can be a traumatic event.  When it comes to pedestrian accidents, the laws of physics do not favor the pedestrian. A vehicle does not have to be moving fast to cause serious life-changing or even fatal injuries.

If you or someone you know has been struck by a car, contact the trial attorneys at Rapoport Law Offices for a free consultation on how to protect your legal rights.

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